Happy Father's Day
What a beautiful June we are having!
This month we started out with a fun week learning about the Ocean. This is definitely something that we will revisit since it has been fascinating and so fun. We are learning letters H, I, J, K, L and numbers 30, 11, 12, 13. We will put some focus on the teen numbers this summer. We will continue with our French, Spanish and Music Bells. We are learning to play Row, Row, Row your boat and it is so fun!! This week our theme is Father's Day and we will be celebrating Dads. The week of June 16 to 20 we will Monkey around with a Jungle Theme. Does your child have something fun they would like to bring to show our group that ties in with our Jungle Theme? Friday June 20 we celebrate the First Day of Summer. Please bring a bathing suit, towel and water shoes. We will have a Backyard Picnic too! June 25 Yellow Day (a celebration of all things yellow!) Please wear or bring something yellow. June 23-27 Summer theme. June 30 Canada Day. We will have our 2nd annual Backyard Canada Day Parade!! We will finish off June starting a new Construction theme that will take us into July. We are closed July 1 for Canada Day.
*Important Info* Sunscreen: Please ensure that your children have sunscreen to keep at the Day Care. Please label your child’s sunscreen. Sunscreen permission forms have been going home. Sun Hats: Please ensure your child/ren has a HAT at Day Care each day for all outdoor activities to protect them from the sun. Appropriate Foot Wear for Outdoor Play: Running shoes and Sandals with good grips and secure fitting front and back straps, to ensure they do not come off while walking, climbing, and running etc. PLEASE…… NO CROCS or FLIP FLOPS
June is a busy and exciting month! On top of all of our busy plans for this month, we have 3 birthdays! Happy Birthday!
Thank you, Fabulous Parents for bringing your little Gems to me!!